As a speaker and trainer I focus on the copyright questions that cultural players have to answer in order to keep up with the evolving environment around them. You can watch me give presentation on copyright and cultural appropriation (once in October 2018 and once in June 2019) to get a taste of my style and check out this one-minute clip summarizing the issue of cultural appropriation. You can also download my slides to get a good overview of the issue. Curious about what cultural institutions can do about cultural appropriation? This four-minute video sums up all the main issues (at minute 30:00). Cultural institutions have the primordial function of preserving and giving access to our shared cultural heritage. In the digital world, fresh opportunities to interact with culture abound; the function of institutions takes on a whole new dimension. Digital technologies are evolving faster than the policy landscape can keep up with the right tools, we can find solutions to move forward. I am particularly interested in touching on such questions as:
Is copyright a tool or a hindrance for cultural institutions?
What are the policy aspects of preservation and safeguarding?
What is the relationship between intellectual property and the UNESCO Conventions?
Is digitization of cultural heritage compliant with the policy framework in your country?
Is copyright the answer to cultural appropriation?
I have organized and participated as a speaker in dozens of events around the themes of law and culture in Cambodia, Canada, Croatia, Fiji, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Malaysia, Oman, Peru, Romania, Russian Federation, Solomon Islands, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. Here is a sample:
I also tutored students from all over the world in a WIPO distance learning course on intellectual property and traditional knowledge: DL203 - Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions.
At Europeana, the EU digital platform for cultural heritage, I devised a training strategy to address the copyright questions raised by the digital preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage and co-organized in Croatia the training workshop "Croatian Cultural Heritage in the Digital World" to help cultural institutions overcome copyright challenges.
I have written several published papers on intellectual property issues of cultural institutions, international negotiations on the protection of traditional cultural expressions and the international trade aspects of indigenous cultural heritage protection, to name a few. Here are a few examples: Academic and Policy Articles
As Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), in the International Law Research Program, I am analyzing the international negotiations for the IP protection of traditional cultural expressions and examining IP issues, particularly the role of moral rights, around cultural appropriation in the fashion industry.
As Policy Advisor at SPARC Europe I work to secure positive changes to the draft EU Copyright Directive, the PSI Directive and Horizon Europe to support Open Access and Open Science.
As Legal Officer at the World Intellectual Property Organization, I facilitated for several years international negotiations in the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC). The IGC is a negotiation body where WIPO member states are undertaking text-based negotiations with the objective of reaching agreement on a text(s) of an international legal instrument(s) which will ensure the effective protection of traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions and genetic resources. I also provided legal and legislative advice on copyright and traditional cultural expressions in regional and national instruments.
Past experience also includes work in the Cultural Enterprise and Copyright Section at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris, and with the Montreal-based IP law firm ROBIC.